Allows merchant to generate consolidated CRC, First Central, Credit registry and Fico score using bvn
In the event that such historical data is available with the associated credit bureaus and another blacklist repository, we utilize the Bank Verification Number (BVN) to provide simple and trustworthy results.
Key | Description |
bvn | BVN Number |
Header (LIVE)
Key | Description |
x-api-key | Your Secret Key |
Header (TEST)
Key | Description |
x-api-key | Your Public Key |
"status": true,
"message": "Successful",
"code": "200",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"transactionRef": "N202401110821403230",
"data": {
"crcdata": {
"bvn": "2******92",
"customerId": "1*********4",
"businessId": "64**********63e",
"name": "TEST TEST",
"phone": "",
"gender": "MALE",
"dateOfBirth": "22-MAR-1003",
"address": "",
"email": "",
"score": {
"totalNoOfDelinquentFacilities": "1",
"lastReportedDate": "11-DEC-2123",
"totalNoOfLoans": "2",
"totalNoOfInstitutions": "1",
"totalNoOfActiveLoans": "2",
"totalBorrowed": "257,500",
"totalOutstanding": "444,000",
"totalOverdue": "444000",
"maxNoOfDays": "559",
"totalNoOfClosedLoans": 0,
"crcReportOrderNumber": "W-0102107097/2024"
"searchedDate": "2024-01-11T07:07:17.388Z"
"creditregistrydata": {
"bvn": "22******92",
"customerId": "11*******04",
"businessId": "64da**********63e",
"name": "TEST TEST",
"phone": "",
"gender": "MALE",
"dateOfBirth": "22-MAR-1003",
"address": "3B ADDRESS ESTATE",
"email": "",
"score": {
"totalNoOfLoans": 2,
"totalNoOfInstitutions": 1,
"totalNoOfActiveLoans": 0,
"totalNoOfClosedLoans": 1,
"totalNoOfPerformingLoans": 1,
"totalNoOfDelinquentFacilities": 1,
"highestLoanAmount": 250000,
"totalMonthlyInstallment": 0,
"totalBorrowed": 257500,
"totalOutstanding": 444000,
"totalOverdue": 0,
"maxNoOfDays": 0,
"creditors": false,
"creditEnquiries": false,
"creditEnquiriesSummary": false,
"loanPerformance": false,
"loanHistory": false
"searchedDate": "2024-01-11T07:21:16.715Z"
"ficodata": {
"bvn": "22******5",
"customerId": "5****1",
"businessId": "64*********63e",
"name": "TEST TEST",
"phone": "080*******3",
"gender": "Female",
"dateOfBirth": "20/09/1080",
"address": "3B ADDRESS ESTATE",
"email": "",
"score": {
"totalNoOfDelinquentFacilities": 1,
"hasLoans": "YES",
"ficoScore": {
"score": 636,
"rating": "AVERAGE",
"reasons": "There is serious delinquency on the accounts, adverse record or collection filed on the credit report. Lack of recent revolving/charge account information on the credit report. Lack of recent account information on the credit report. Lack of recent revolving/charge account information on the credit report."
"lastReportedDate": "30-NOV-2029",
"crcReportOrderNumber": "W-0*****/2024"
"searchedDate": "2024-01-10T18:02:04.183Z"
"firstcentaldata": {
"bvn": "22299562935",
"customerId": "585891",
"businessId": "64daa025b57fff35eb06663e",
"name": "TEST TEST ",
"phone": "080*****485",
"gender": "F****e",
"dateOfBirth": "17/19/1380",
"email": "",
"searchedDate": "2024-02-09T07:56:32.989Z",
"score": {
"totalNoOfDelinquentFacilities": 0,
"totalNoOfLoans": 9,
"totalNoOfActiveLoans": 8,
"totalNoOfClosedLoans": 1,
"maxNoOfDays": null,
"totalNoOfInstitutions": 3,
"totalOverdue": 5932018,
"totalBorrowed": 26305139.39,
"highestLoanAmount": 6401000,
"totalOutstanding": 16970160,
"totalMonthlyInstallment": 493496,
"totalNoOfOverdueAccounts": 2,
"totalNoOfPerformingLoans": 10,
"firstCentralEnquiryResultID": null,
"firstCentralEnquiryEngineID": null,
"loanPerformance": false,
"creditEnquiries": false,
"loanHistory": false,
"employmentHistory": false
"error": null
"status": false,
"message": "Unsuccessful",
"code": "400",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"transactionRef": "N202401101345487388",
"data": "",
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": null